Saturday, November 23, 2024

Enoch's Nine Monthiversary, Belated (And A Few Bonus Photos)

It has been a hard month.

Among other hardnesses, Enoch has had the most grievous time teething of any baby yet. Those four top teeth were his personal torment (and mine) all this month. Finally, finally, one of them poked through a few days ago and the rest will hopefully follow suit. In the meantime, he hardly slept during the day, needed a constant bedfellow at night, and had a Very Hard Time existing without being in mama's arms. But this, too, passes, just like all the good and beautiful things you wish you could freeze in time. 

Despite his miseries, Enoch continued to grin his snaggle-toothed grin to light up the house whenever he could manage it. He excels in his role as Professional Doughboy of the House. He loves being social and playing with his siblings, loves going outside, and HATES being on his belly. He's just started butt-scooching into all sorts of mischief (attempted plant-eating, successful potting soil-eating, finding all the outlets and cords, etc.), but he still caterwauls if you so much as suggest crawling. He loves our (new!) kittens. He eats like a man. He fiddles with his tongue incessantly (teething, of course). He loves jokes and games and is loved by one and all. 

You're the cutest, little Doughboy. <3

(A video from before he learned to scooch on his own, which is a very recent development...)
