Saturday, June 15, 2024

Enoch's Four Monthiversary

May has galloped right into June, and we've ridden it breathless and hanging on and squeezing out as much delight as we can--Pippin birthdays and fancy tea parties and fairy villages and a store being run through our dining room windows (customers stay on the porch, please) and gardening and flower girls and campfires and cards to Alaska and cousins to play with and pond adventures to catch newts and dragonfly nymphs and tadpoles and making the most of our first 911 calls (praise God for Pippin's preservation) and outdoor picnic lunches and plastic-pool-lawnchair-Radioflyer-wagon-forts staked with a flag and morning waltzes (how handy to have two big boys and two biggish girls who pair up!) and first tooth fairy visits and a NEW SHED! Sometimes delight is the best way to fight back the dark. This month has been heavy on delight. Maybe photos to come? So many good ones. (But who am I kidding? I'm up well past midnight just to write this post. A second one would be too much to ask for, surely.)

In the thick of it all, Enoch Abel grows. His thighs are delectably squishy and his giggle wonderfully contagious. Despite his teething making him a rather abysmal napper for the past few weeks when he's not strapped on Mama, he still smiles at the world with largesse. No teeth yet. He's found his feet (always an exciting discovery). He's begun to bear weight on his legs for (maybe?) 30 seconds tops as his new record--what a go-getter! No rolling over or scooching or trying to sit up or any such thing--when the world is so terrific just being stationery, why try to dip your toes in mobility? Food, however, is a different matter entirely. Enoch had his very first taste of ice cream at Uncle Evan's birthday party tonight because he was asking for it so desperately (and quivering pathetically). And so it begins.

Whatever baby I currently have always seems like the sweetest I've ever had while it's their turn being the baby, and Enoch is no exception. What a blessed gift to have such a happy boy whose sole aim in life seems to be to enjoy and be enjoyed. I wouldn't change a thing about you, Enoch. Not one thing. 


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