Friday, June 8, 2018

In Honor of Grandpa

Today Tadhg turns three months old. And today would've been my dad's 75th birthday.

Tadhg will never know him, just as I never really knew my grandparents. In honor of the Grandpa who Tadhg will certainly hear about but never know in the flesh, here are a smattering of photos. Looking at them made me feel old and all sorts of bittersweet.

We surprised Dad with a large 70th birthday party. In the following two photos he was just realizing what he was walking into. I love it because it's genuine Dad--anytime he knew his picture was being taken he froze up, so all of the real gems are candids.

One of my favorites. Mom and Dad came over to my apartment (I don't remember what for), and I fed Dad leftover something-or-other from my fridge. He immediately laid down on my bed and began relaxing in earnest.

A rare occasion of hamming it up for the camera. The key? Take so many pictures in quick succession that he's utterly overwhelmed by the assault and starts acting like himself.

Ahh. A classic. Dad in his trusty blue van going on his rounds. 

[a.k.a. The Neighborhood Watch] 

[a.k.a. Driving Slowly Around Nanticoke Thinking You're Being Subtle When, Really, Everyone Knows Exactly What You're Doing]

[a.k.a. Being a Snoop]

What can I say? 

Dad got bored in his retirement.

Peering over Niagara Falls.

Another classic. Pacing the pond's edge ensuring that no one drowned.

Yep. He knew this one was being taken...

Watching annual 4th of July fireworks up at Andy and Wendy's house before they became Alaskans.

 Deep conversations.

And another candid shot to cap it all off.

You are still missed, Dad.

Monday, June 4, 2018


breath in
breath out
living ebenezer
in his bones
and in his breath
the Lord
has thundered
with a loud thunder
each day
each lungful
a whole life-ful
stone upon
stone upon