Sunday, February 26, 2023

January 2023

My words have run plumb out for tonight, but pictures! There are pictures! Have some snippets of our January. 

Story (maybe I can find a few words on this tired night after all)--

I've always wanted a snow globe. Rundy got me a beautiful one last Christmas which was promptly smashed by an unnamed child 4 days after I opened it. It was tragic, but I got over it. I didn't really want to ask for another one because they're silly-expensive and, well, children are still around and find snow globes just as fascinating as I do. 

But Rundy surprised me with a new one this Christmas. I kept it safe up in our room until all of the Christmas things were packed away, to be admired and enjoyed at quiet times by the children. 

I have vivid memories of going into my parents' room when I was really little and asking Mom if I could look at her antique button collection she kept in a big tin on her dresser. I'd run my hands through it and dump it out on her bed to sift through them all. I can still feel the smoothness on my fingers even now.

Perhaps this snow globe will evoke just such memories (along with my Special Rock Collection which is also kept in our room and pulled out for hushed admiration at special times). 

Tadhg has a bit of a shoe obsession. He rarely wears them around the house (or outside when it's warm), but when he wants to feel fancy, important, grown-up, etc. he pulls them out from the bin under his bed. He had just woken up and had a face full of sleepy cobwebs, but boy-oh-boy were those shoes important. (Pants, shirt, not so much.)

He's well and truly entered the days of dressing up. Never know what you're gonna get.

Sleepy chef.

 So sleepy.


We've spent a lot of time recently immersed in learning about outer space--reading, watching videos, doing fun projects with the constellations and phases of the moon and eclipses and the like. It's been great fun for all of us, and the boys have been super into it. By far some of my favorite learning we've done together to date. In an inexplicable way, it's been one of the most spiritually cathartic things I've done for a while.

Hamfast came for a visit, just to play!! The day will live in the annals of history. (Come again, Caleb!)

((Also, he wasn't actually reading the book to them upside-down, though that makes a great story. That's a wonderfully quirky book we own that was mismanufactured with the cover on the wrong way up.))

No one plays like Caleb. No one.


The house was covered with wanted posters.

And Arlan came over! Visit Days are Golden Days for the kids. Thankfully, they typically have at least one to look forward to most of the time.

A beautiful just-because gift from Titi.

I found a new play kitchen free on the side of the road! I was just as delighted as the kids. It matches our kitchen, see, and takes up a little less space, and isn't a garish orange-white-purple-black combination. (Though that play kitchen served us faithfully and well.) It's Marnie's favorite thing to play with in the whole house. The old one, the new one, it matters not. She'll keep herself busy concocting things in an impressively grown-up fashion either way.


"I did a good job detailing her, Mom!"

They still think these aprons make them extra cool. Tadhg has also hit the stage of self-conscious posing when I'm not sneaky enough to get a candid. He likes having his picture taken, and most often tries to make himself look angelic (but with great seriousness and not a hint of jest). I missed the angelic pose and got these instead.

Grubby Foot.

Home date. <3

Mopsy turned 76! We love her.

Oh, Marnie. Precious little hobbit.

And this one is sunshine personified.

Rundy is the best father. I have so many photos and videos waiting for posting; so many things I could say. Maybe someday. For now, here he is building treasure boxes with our boys.

Marnie's first ponytail. The boys were smitten, and she loved how delighted they were.


We started potty training. She's doing great. Three cheers for Marnie Moo!

And a few random videos to round the month off.