Friday, October 18, 2019

And A Bonus

Because it's cute.

We love our Bop.

Five Months of Pippin

Oh, Peregrine. You sweet, laidback-but-sensitive boy.

You do all the normal things.

You play with your toes and you teethe on toys; you wiggle when you're on your belly, and often I find you facing a different direction than you were when I put you down.

But you also do all the wonderful Pippin things.

You put up with Tadhg's antics with a smile, and you cry sympathetically (and heartily) whenever he cries. You still have the best worried face. You laugh not just when someone's trying to make you, but unexpectedly, too, just because you're happy. When you wake up from a nap and I come up the stairs to greet you, you sometimes giggle. When someone looks you full in the face and sings to you, you chuckle. When Tadhg is playing nearby, you laugh at what he's doing. Sometimes when I change your diaper, you look at me and start chortling out of the blue.

You like being loved, and I think you're just about as delighted with your family as we are with you.

(Maybe that's why there are an absolutely ludicrous number of pictures of you in this post. Who wants to see that many pictures in a row of the same baby? Me. Just me.)


(He's already graduated to eating the monthiversary tag.)


Those were just the official 5 month photos. 

There are more. 

And more.


[ Thanks for the perfect postcard, Aponi! It's getting framed. :) ]

Little Just-Waking-Up-Periscope-Head.

A manly pink bumbo seat, borrowed from Aunt Abigail. (Thanks, Abby!)

Dishwashing buddy.

A World Where There Are Octobers

An acorn!




Peregrine the Long-suffering

Tadhg-level loving can be a lot to bear, but Pippin does it with such grace. (And believe it or not, it's starting to become increasingly apparent that he loves him right back).

Tadhg just can't help himself when faced with skin that soft and squishy.

Professional Reader

True professionals can be identified based upon their insistence on finding the ideal reading position.


He's halfway there.

Story Garden

About half an hour away from our house is a magical place called the Story Garden. I took very few pictures because it was a play date and I was talking with grown-ups and taking care of babies, but it was about ten times better than the pictures.

I can't wait to go back and spend about three times as long there, exploring at our leisure. Maybe in the spring.