Saturday, January 28, 2023

How To Track A Wild Marnie

Peregrine Sings

Much of my regret over not blogging is because there's so much I want to remember from these days. I have the last two years of photos and videos and memories all just sitting there collecting virtual dust. Trying to live life well takes all the time I've got; I can't do a good job of living and blog it, too. Not right now, at least. 

But maybe I can squeeze in a few more spontaneous posts like this.

Because listen to the child. 

(He was actually telling me about how Marnie sings Holy, Holy, Holy all the time and was imitating her. It's one of her new favorites, and she sings it during meals, while she's playing, when she's in her crib falling asleep...)

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Four Months of Tessa Shalom

What a munchkin. 

The speed at which Tessa is lengthening is so far outstripping her speed of sausage-ifying that she's our leanest-looking baby yet (despite hiding a highly respectable number of rolls on her thighs). She continues to live up to her name and is a peaceful little soul. After recovering from an awful two-week spell of sickness at the beginning of her fourth month (RSV, I think, and it was no joke), she began to feel more like herself again and has given us some exceedingly contagious bouts of giggling since. She doesn't really approve of tickling, but games and startles make her laugh. Her brothers love taking turns snuggling with her when they lie down for their naps, and Marnie keeps her well-stocked with toys. My favorite little quirk of hers is how she takes one of my fingers in each of her hands and clutches tight every time she lies next to me to nurse.

Her smiles have changed this month, mostly because of how teething has suddenly become a Serious Business. She plays with her tongue or tucks her bottom lip all the time, so smiles are either goofy tongue-out grins or, more often, quiet little smiles with a tucked lip. Her feet are also a new favorite form of entertainment, as they become with all little ones at one point or another.

She is sweet and snuggly and everything you could want in a baby, and we are deeply thankful to the Father who has shaped our wee Tessa and loaned her to us.

Also making a (BEAUTIFUL!) appearance this month is Tessa's newly-finished quilt from my own little mother. She chose the pattern before Tessa was born, and it couldn't be a more perfect fit. (Mom, don't you love her little face next to that fox?)

Some photos of just the quilt, with close-ups of my favorite bits:

(This picture and the one above are funny; not one, but THREE quilts made by my mother! Tessa's quilt on top, Rundy's and my wedding quilt underneath it, and an intricate little lap quilt Mom gave me when Marnie was a baby hanging over the cradle off to the left.)

This pattern runs along the whole border.

And to round out the month, two videos of Tessa giggling. The first one is from this morning, and the other one is just the best one ever.

Cute baby bonus pictures.