Sunday, August 22, 2021

Eight Months with Our Marnie

Marnie is our sweetheart.

She has a high tolerance for brotherly affection (a very good thing since Tadhg and Pippin love her dearly). She has a good little sense of humor. She's a snugglebug and loves kisses, getting and giving alike. She's social and smiley with just about anyone as long as Mama's holding her. She blows raspberries like a pro and  coos up a quiet storm. She's getting more and more interested in the world and likes to sit on the floor with a basket of toys and play near her brothers. She still isn't really mobile, but she's meeting her own milestones in her own time. This month: pivoting on her belly and scooching backwards a few inches at a go. 

Trademark Marnie? 

Happy feet. 

They're her language of choice. When she's excited they bounce and dance and won't stay still. Prime causes of happy feet include cats, chickens, drinking out of a grownup's cup, eating real food, and reading books.

We love you, our Marnie Moo.