Saturday, November 12, 2022

Two Months of Tessa Shalom

Tessa is truly the baby that parents dream of. 

She is plump and snuggly and happy all the time, only crying in those infrequent moments when her tummy hurts. She's starting to discover her hands and tries to use them with intentionality to interact with whatever is near her. She smiles with largesse at the whole world. She sleeps--oh, how she sleeps! It's amazing, like those babies you read about and think are complete fiction. She loves to coo and will have a back-and-forth conversation with us for a good five minutes straight. Rundy and I often find ourselves delighting in her smiles and soft jabbers together before grinning and looking at each other in wonderment that this sort of baby is even real. 

Her pleasantness knows no bounds. 

What a sweet, sweet gift of sunshine to us all.

She had a lot of congestion on her two monthiversary (our whole family has a cold). She snurked her way through the night before, simply sleeping through her miseries and sucking her thumb with as much sanguinity as ever. She woke stuffy and puffy-eyed, and even then I was hard-pressed to get pictures without her quiet little grin lighting up the frame. What a baby.

(Rundy says I'm jinxing myself with all this effusion, but he also had to admit that every last bit is true. Teething may change things someday, but for now Tessa is just a Magic Baby.)

She only stopped smiling to coo.

Is it any wonder that we all love her so? No. No it is not.