Thursday, May 11, 2023

Eight Months of Tessa Shalom

I asked Rundy just now what he thinks I should write for Tessa this month.  

"She wishes she could run. But since she can't, in lieu of that she crawls like a maniac."

All true.

The poor child has been teething hard and still has nothing to show for it (but there are bumps at least now!). She grins all the time. She LOVES her siblings. Tadhg has a his own special place in her life as the one who gets her laughing like no other. When she wakes up in the morning she has a powerful magnetism; Tadhg and Pip and Marnie are irresistibly drawn to her to give her morning hugs and kisses and have grin/snuggle fests before I even finish (or start) nursing her. When I take her out in public places she smiles at the whole world; it's all so exciting and thrilling, see. It's strange having a baby who's such an extrovert and wins strangers over in two seconds by smiling at them for no reason at all; not our norm in these introverted parts. And she's a true extrovert, too; on a couple of occasions we've come back from parties with a big crowd well past bedtime, and she's so keyed up from all the jollity she fairly dances in my lap for half an hour in the dark instead of falling asleep. She has a delightful sense of humor and loves games and jokes and physicality. She's hyper and curious and has a nose for trouble. Strew a room with toys and what does she go after? Cat water. Cords. Outlets. Anything that looks like it might be remotely chokeable. She multiple times would've dived off our bed headfirst if we'd let her, blissfully ignorant of gravity.

Oh, she is a delight. 

Tessa is going to be a really fun toddler. 

But we don't want to rush it--time is already winged, and flying faster by the day.

To quote Tadhgie-boy when he raced over to give Tessa a bear hug as the kids played outside, "I'm so glad you're here!!!"


This blurry GIF is the most accurate representation of trying to get pictures of Tessa these days. Grinning, flailing, wiggling like the dickens.