Saturday, May 22, 2021

A Celebration of Technology (a.k.a. Happy Mother's Day from Rundy)

Though I've been really pleased to have the ease of a camera phone so I can snap quick slice-of-life photos these days, I've bemoaned the poor quality of my blurry phone photos for a while now. Why? Simply because I appreciate the nicer photos I can take when I have greater stores of time available to me; photography is fun. This bemoaning has lacked any real fervor, though; I am keenly aware that a fancy camera with lots of manual settings sounds lovely but really wouldn't see enough use to be worth the money at this frenetic stage of my life. 

Enter Husband, who found Mother's Day to be a sufficient excuse to spoil me with a new phone with a better camera. (Anything I say about how sweet he is now will just sound cheesy and materialistic, but I'll say it anyway. He is awfully sweet.)

And look!!!

My very first four test shots taken this morning.

Exhibit A--Husband who wasn't fully aware he was being photographed.

Exhibit B--Cute boys in grubby pajamas playing in the morning sunshine.

All the new Marnie monthiversary photos are credit to the new phone, too. 

Aaahhh. So satisfying.

Definitely didn't need it. 

Definitely will enjoy it.

Thank you, Rundy. <3

Five Months with Our Marnie

Too many photos. 

Because she's too cute.

And I'm her mother.

Marnie is sugary sweet and wide-eyed. These days life is all about her toes and her tongue. She is our tiny little marshmallow fluff baby and is quite content not being mobile. She's beginning to eye our food. She's learned the fine art of giggling, but still does it quite sparingly and mostly when she's feeling extra safe and snuggly and loved. 

Oh, how we love you, goosie-girl. 

(Listening to the baby birds just outside the window.)

I have so many photos backlogged, but life is full--I have just enough time to take the photos but no time to do anything with them. Weeds need pulling. Dishes need washing. Laundry needs folding. Food needs preparing. Children need tending and smooching and teaching. Blogging time is sparse. Maybe someday I'll catch up? Perhaps better to make my peace with a life that is never really caught up. Try to live with joy in the face of to-do lists that are disconcertingly un-crossed-off.