Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Frills and Folderol

Living in a house that's being renovated for a year and half (and the road stretches ever on) has been difficult at times. Not because it's impossible; not because we don't have what we need and more; not even because of the tools lying everywhere.

It's more been that intangible sense of home that I've missed. The colors. The frivolous things that aren't necessary but make you feel as though you've got your name stamped on the place. The sense of being interwoven with the walls that enclose you.

As time has gone on, those more ethereal things have started taking shape. Thanks to a lot of hard work from Rundy and me chipping in where I can, the skeleton of this old house has put on some flesh and started to breathe. It's beginning very much to feel like Home.

And it doesn't hurt that it's Christmas time.


  1. It's all so lovely and perfect, except...
    there seems to be one gaping hole in your tree where a wooden ornament should be.
    Really, it's awful! Whatever happened to that cute little angel?!

    1. Pretty sure a Sentimental Object Thief made his (her??) way into our house. G'bye, cute little wooden angel. Christmas will never be the same.
