Sunday, August 18, 2019

Three Months of Pippin

I have a huge backlog of photos and videos from the past month that haven't yet made it onto the blog; it wasn't until I got on here to post Pippin's three monthiversary pictures that I realized there's been nary a post on here since he turned two months old. Oops. I guess that's life with two little people. Lots of livin', not much bloggin'.

Peregrine is a delight. He smiles all the time now; I love how his smiles start as a twinkle in his eyes, then a crinkle at the corners, then slowly spread to the rest of his face--a quiet evolution. He's begun to express himself in earnest with the cutest little coos, especially when he wants to be picked up. (He has a pretty persuasive little voice.) Another new development is that he's become a thumbsucker! I've always thought thumbsucking babies were adorable, and now I have my very own. He remains a wonderfully sound sleeper, which is a true boon. He's also rolling over from front to back. Tadhg continues to have a love for his brother that is both staunch and enthusiastic. I've turned around from doing dishes more than once to see Tadhg giving Pippin lots of affection, and Pippin staring straight at him and smiling. They're off to a good start loving each other well.

Our life is so much richer because of you, little Pip.

His cooing-oh-you've-just-gotta-pick-me-up face.

The Evolution of a Smile 

(a.k.a. Mama Loves Her Boy and Thinks He Looks Cute in All the Pictures Even Though They're Similar and Is Too Tired to Figure Out Which Ones to Cut)

He makes the funniest expressions experimenting with his facial muscles. One of my favorites is the look of utter worry below; it usually comes before a smile. 

Oh, the coos. 

And here are a handful of photos from earlier in the month that won't be in the other blog posts I have yet to put up.

He melts me.

He still startles like a deer.

Can't resist this little bald boy.


  1. Let me know when I can come meet him! :-) :-) :-)

  2. Anytime!!! Give me some dates and I'll let you know if they work. We'd love to see you. :)

  3. He's getting cuter by the day, that's for sure!
