Sunday, April 19, 2020

Eleven Months of Pippin

What a fast-flying month of teeth-brushing, stair-climbing, proper crawling, peach-fuzz-hope-of-hair-growing, outdoor-exploring, car-vrooming, and lightswitch-operating. Sprinkle in a good bit of personality, and you can imagine what a fun month we've had. Pippin is a wonderful puzzle, as all people are. He's quiet and observant and thoughtful and a bit reserved, but somehow he's managing to convince me that he's going to have a sizable dose of class clown in him. He's been such a goofball this month, cracking himself and everybody else up and then being delighted with his own wit. Combine his great zeal for making people laugh with his lack of body awareness and his physical recklessness, and I think we have a recipe for future disaster. Blood, broken bones, what-have-you. I'm not looking forward to it.

What I am looking forward to, though, is getting to know who you are more and more, little man. Our quiet bloomer--you grow without fanfare, and your presence doesn't demand attention. But I'm here to watch.

The monthiversary photo-dump is all from his actual monthiversary this time around (impressively, I still managed to include a ridiculous number of snapshots). I've been spending so much time outside that I haven't been organizing and loading photos and all that good stuff, and then we had company last night. All the candids will come later when I carve out a sufficient chunk of time to post them.

A blurry one, because Real Life.

** Note--a couple of photos have the monthiversary tag upside down. Yep. I've descended that low. Enjoy.

He has no interest in binkies for himself, but he does love stealing Tadhg's.

Oh, Pip. You can be so wonderfully funny-looking sometimes.

This right here is a classic Pippin face. Intent.

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