Thursday, September 10, 2020

Freeze-Frame: My Feathered Boy

Tadhg was standing up in his seat while I washed him up after breakfast. He looked up at the vaulted ceiling quizzically, then burst out, "I'm goin' to jump up to the 'ky!"

"Do you think you can fly like a bird?"

"Yes, I can." 

"But you don't have feathers. Can you fly without feathers?"

"I DO have feathers!"

"Where are they?"

Soberly, "On my bott'm." 

Boys are so strange.


  1. Haha, you have a very sweet and funny boy, Debbie. ☺️ Hope you and your family are well.

    1. I heartily agree! He's a wonderfully fun little person to live with. We are well, thanks! So busy living that my blog lay languishing for months on end. And I hope you and yours are well, too!
