Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Ten Months of Tessa Shalom

{a.k.a. Too Many Blurry Photos of Hyper Toothless McGeezer}

Tessa is a whirling dervish, a grinning tornado, an intrepid explorer, a lean, wiry, happy, chummy, social blur of curiosity. She makes friends wherever she goes with naught but a gummy smile. This has been a month of finessing her mess-making abilities (she's made great strides with her speed), jabbering like crazy, pulling herself up to stand on everything, tongue-clucking louder than a grown man, clapping and waving and saying bye-bye because it makes her feel important, and still not having any more than half of one tooth to eat her elephant-sized three square meals a day (which she insists be as identical as possible to ours). 

She went to her first concert in a wondrously-renovated barn-coffeehouse in nothing other than the great metropolis of Nanticoke just this past weekend. It was supposed to go from 7 to 10 p.m. and ended up going even later, and I was unsure how she'd hold up. I never should have doubted her powers of extroversion. She bounced to the music, clapped vigorously whenever everyone else did, and generally had a wonderful time until she finally got drowsy enough to drop off to sleep while I mercifully plugged her one unsnuggled ear. 

Tessa is a delight from tip to toe, as loved as can be by us all and remarked upon with great satisfaction by various siblings many times a day.

We are all grateful for these ten months with our baby.

This photo to begin, only because this is what it was like to try to take a single, solitary good picture of her lying down next to the 10 month tag. This, over and over again.

She only stopped her perpetual motion when she had a book. Or the monthiversary tag. Or if I grabbed her leg and bounced her and cracked jokes and gobbled her up, then quickly snapped a picture before she'd stopped laughing.

And even then she started wiggling away again in under 10 seconds. What a baby. No wonder she's never had baby fat...

Current obsession: fridge magnets.

And FOOD!!!

And 2 tiny videos of everyday Tessa (ignore obnoxious Mama voice--Tessa's the real star).

1 comment:

  1. Hello Debbie! I wanted to pop over and tell you two things: I just finished reading The Water Babies and it was lovely and strange and wise and sweet. At some point, pick it up off that nightstand. You will most certainly enjoy it. Also~ remember that book that I was trying to remember the name of when we were chatting at the party? I butchered it when I called it "The Thorn of a Rose or something like that"... not even close. It is actually entitled A Face Illumined by E.P.Roe and YES! You really MUST read that one too. (I'm being bossy, but I did dearly love it.) And just so you know, the story line plays with the idea of beauty and love- and how even a crushed rose that is loved can be made more beautiful and this metaphor is played out by a gorgeous woman who is vain and silly but who becomes crushed herself... and it takes the love of a Father to make beauty from a trampled rose. All this to say, I wasn't entirely crazy to come up with the original title involving a rose.

    Tessa is sweet and I just adore her little gummy grin! My favorite of all these photos is the one in front of the fridge- it reminds me of the times when people would put up clever little backgrounds in front of portraits- she is perfectly posed, only that beautiful portrait needs no faux background...just a nice, lovely real-life reminder of who she is and what she loves at this stage.
