Tuesday, November 14, 2017


If God gives us more children someday, the seams of this old house will stretch and a nursery will likely be a frivolity which we no longer have space for. But for now, I'm enjoying nesting (i.e. making paper cranes like a madwoman when Rundy is at work until midnight).

Our nursery is a vintage hodge-podge of odds and ends and curiosities, the newest addition being a pair of curtains which used to be an unfinished quilt cover. (Thanks, Mopsy.)

There's nothing quite like the way light changes the look of things.



  1. Does my heart good to see all those paper cranes. :-) I'd say you finally got the hang of it!

    1. I did indeed get the hang of it! I made all but 6 of the cranes and assembled the whole shebang in one day. A far cry from the distress I was enduring trying to figure out all the folds when you were visiting... :)

  2. Well, with our 12 kids, the room remained a nursery/quiet room the whole way through. :-) (It stopped being a nursery and turned into a quiet room, then sewing room, once there were no more babies, but right down to Deirdre it was the nursery.)

    I love the way you turn spaces into places so cozy, homey and inviting!

    1. Maybe it will stay a nursery then! :) It was definitely fun to decorate. I might change it up a bit depending on the furniture situation, but it's nice to have a start at least.
