Thursday, April 4, 2019

Tardy Party Pictures

Tadhg Boy turned one last month, and I'm just now getting around to posting a few pictures from his jolly 1st birthday party. (I was flitting around too much to take more than a few really blurry pictures. Thanks to Uncle Caleb for nearly all of the photos in this post!) With Rundy and I both coming from large families, even just having his immediate family and a handful of people from mine equals a Houseful. It was a simple, homey sort of party, with lots of children, lots of food, and lots of enjoying each other. 

The birthday boy was taking a late nap when all of his fans arrived. He'd spent a major chunk of the day tromping around outside with his daddy and had utterly depleted his impressively large stores of energy. He woke groggy, disoriented, and completely befuddled by all the commotion.

Half asleep.

People, people everywhere, and nice ones, all!

Head bonking a balloon = high-flying hilarity for a one-year old.

Layer cakes are not my area of expertise. At all. In fact, I'd made only one before this. It was, in my estimation, almost a complete flop. But Tadhg liked it, which I suppose is all that really counts. And I've got lots of time to improve my cake-making abilities. 

Cars were an obvious choice for our little motor-obsessed boy.

Blurry cake.



Here's a token picture of present-opening (Tadhg is thoroughly hidden in the crowd). Caleb took a long video, but I figured I'd just pop this photo up and say that Tadhg couldn't believe his good fortune when people kept giving him such fascinating things. Spoiled boy...

It was a good way to celebrate a year of life.

God made you well, Tadhg Amos, and you are a little light in our home. 


  1. I actually wrote a super-long comment on this the other day and then accidentally deleted it. Argh! Mostly, he is the cutest blue-eyed boy, and I love the festive decorations and the festive people, and as much as you think you have room to improve, the cake is perfect! Well done, mama. Most especially well done with your loving and raising of this little boy. He is blessed to have you and Rundy as his parents, and he probably knows it, too, on some level deeper than the ability to articulate it.
