Thursday, May 30, 2019

Home Again, Home Again

We were so pleased to be allowed to leave the hospital so soon. There's nothing like being home in your own space, sleeping in your own bed, sitting in your own easy chair listening to the sound of wind chimes waft in through your open door after a crazy couple of days. Another huge blessing in how everything worked out with Peregrine's birth is how long Rundy was able to stay home with us; because of the Memorial Day weekend, he ended up having nine work days off, plus two weekends. And there's nothing like having Rundy home--his cheery whistling, his hysterical/jolly/thoughtful/tender interactions with Tadhg, his general good company. It made all the difference having our family complete for these past almost two weeks--so many good, cozy, homey memories.

First little smile caught on camera. (They started small and close-mouthed, but more recently they've started looking more like grins.)

So many flowers! Red Gerber daisies from a church friend, a whole bouquet of lilacs and two little jars of wildflowers from my sister and her children, a bouquet with a story attached from my mother-in-law (the little ceramic shoes holding the flowers were originally given to her by her mother-in-law when her first child was born, and now both for Tadhg and Peregrine's births I've gotten a bouquet in the same shoes), and a big bouquet of all the best spring smells--lilacs, narcissus, and apple blossoms--hand-picked by my father-in-law. 

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