Thursday, May 9, 2019


Rather than being forlorn when he's babysat during my OB appointments for his baby brother, Tadhg finds it pretty enjoyable.

Outside = Life.

Babysitting = Extra Outside Time.

You see where this is going.

Cadie trundles Tadhg up to the woods almost every time she babysits him, and this last time she took a few snapshots (which I promptly snagged).

A boy, a stick, some water. Instant euphoria.

And here's a rare sighting of the Fairy Godmother herself with a (by this time) too-sleepy-to-look-euphoric-but-don't-worry-he-still-is boy.


  1. He really is getting so big!
    I knew he was tired, but I didn't realize HOW tired until he conked out on my shoulder just a few minutes after we set off from the stream place.
    He was observing me closely as I used a stick to fish out globs of leaves that were choking the stream. He seemed to think this must be Important Work I was doing, and he wanted to help.
