Wednesday, December 18, 2019

December Grab-Bag

An old wooden high chair was hanging out in the burn pile waiting for its reduction to ashes when Tadhg noticed it. Ever since, he makes frequent requests that snacks and meals be eaten outside. Rain, shine, snow--he cares not.

Barefooted eating is the only way to go, I guess.

Raking up the debris left over from our wood splitting day. 

When Tadhg dresses himself...

A word of explanation: Tadhg's favorite letter for many months now has been T (for obvious reasons). I caught him using it as a telephone not long ago. Who knew?

After he discovered that his doll had his own carseat, Tadhg was lost in forlornness when he realized that the car he wanted to put the carseat in was in the shop instead of in our driveway.

All was well several days later, though. He was very attentive making sure his baby could accompany us to church.


We were listening to a Christmas album the other day, and one of the songs was instrumental featuring violin and piano solos. Tadhg is familiar with pianos since we have one, but I realized he didn't know what a violin is. So I pulled up a video of Joshua Bell playing Vivaldi, and Tadhg was lost in silent wonder. As soon as the video was finished, he looked at me and said, "Mo!" (I obliged, of course.)

This video is just a taste; some of the best parts (big-eyed swaying, for example) are lodged in my memory but didn't make it into the video.

The only bread I've ever made that could (maybe? possibly?) be mistaken for a loaf of Justin's.


Imp. The first (somehow!) time Tadhg has ever dumped a box of cereal while my back was turned. 

Just look at that face...

They melt me.

This is not the best video, but it's enough to give you an idea of what happens every morning these days. Tadhg was given an advent calendar (of the chocolate persuasion) by his cousins' grandma on the other side of the family (yep, she is such a grandma's grandma that spoiling her own grandchildren just wasn't enough). He is lost in ecstasy every time we pull it down from its safe spot on top of the fridge. This video is a mild excitement sort of day. You'd think he never got sugar...

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