Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Seven Months of Pippin

This has been the month of learning to play like it's his job. Pippin and Tadhg are becoming endearingly attached to each other. If Tadhg leaves the room in the middle of playing to get a different toy, Pippin cries at being left behind. If Pippin starts fussing after playing on the floor with Tadhg for a while and I pick him up, Tadhg immediately asks me to put him back down again. As much as I lament the fact that I can't give Pip the same undivided attention I was able to give to Tadhg, it's so much fun to see them being brothers.

Facts to remember (in case grown-up Peregrine ever loses sleep at night wondering when he grew his first teeth and other VITALLY IMPORTANT information):

Pippin's two bottom teeth poked through just after he turned 6 months old, and right after that not 2, not 3, not 4....but SIX new bumps appeared in his upper gums. Nothing's erupted, but he's working hard on getting the equipment for meat-and-potato eating. Not that he has much interest in meat and potatoes yet. Tadhg he is not. Offer him pureed baby food, and he barely opens his mouth after the first few bites; even the good stuff, like peaches and sweet potatoes. The only food he likes is whatever he can stuff in his mouth himself; if somebody gives it to him on a spoon, it's not worth eating.

He scooches around like nobody's business, but he still doesn't really have a lot of interest in sitting up. He's able to sit well enough if you get him in the right position, but he'd just as soon be horizontal. He's just begun to get the hang of walking around holding onto people's hands, though, and he thinks it's a pretty interesting trick.

He smiles at strangers, and he grins and tucks his head into your shoulder shyly when anyone makes a fuss over him. He's quiet and thoughtful and observant, and mostly he just likes being cozy and being loved. He's not demanding; he's not dramatic; he's just a sweet little sugar baby.

And here's the monthly glut of the same little baby face over and over again.

And a spotty-mirror selfie to round it off, because when you're a mama that's pretty much the only kind of pictures you get with your babies.

Oh, and a video. Pippin started his enjoyment of this particular Purdy rite of passage extra young.

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