Saturday, March 14, 2020

A Day in the Life: For Hardcore Tadhg Fans Only

(Seriously. Anyone else will likely be bored watching this many videos of a toddler in a row.)

This post is about two weeks too late. I was going to post it before Tadhg's second birthday to look back on when he's a grown man and I miss his adorable toddler self, but then life snowballed and I didn't have blogging time. So here it is--a bit late, but still serving its purpose.

I couldn't help myself. It was one of those golden days when being a mother is just so. stinking. fun. Tadhg was extra cute, and I was finding it hard to believe that he'd been alive for nearly two years. Now that he is two (birthday post coming soon, hopefully), I'm increasingly convinced that this will be my favorite age yet. Imagination and learning and language are popping off like fireworks every which way, and it's incredibly fun to watch. I took all these videos in one day, and even though it's only two weeks later I already feel like they're becoming obsolete. He's quite literally talking more every day. I know he's a normal toddler doing normal toddler things, but since I'm his mother I'm to be humored in my delight in him, no?

If I didn't like him so much myself, I'd rent him out so other people could enjoy his antics first-hand, too.


In which Tadhg builds our kitchen island singlehandedly and Pip makes a cameo waving at the paparazzi.

In which the viewer learns that levels are not only for making sure things are--well, level--but also for building towers (and giving annoying mamas an excuse to sneak in letter identification). 

In which our level also moonlights as a guitar in Tadhg's capable hands.

In which Tadhg sings The Farmer in the Dell (more on this obsession in the birthday post); he has since become even more proficient, if one can believe it.

In which Tadhg masters the culinary arts.

In which Tadhg enjoys the fruits of his labor (and decides not to share with Daddy).

In which Tadhg imitates Katy and heroically plows intricate loop-de-loops around our sprawling yard.

In which Tadhg shares his pretzels with friends.

In which Tadhg closes out this edition of A Day in the Life by sharing his hot chocolate.

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