Saturday, March 21, 2020

March Grab-Bag

Sometimes the cold outside is just too cold for playing in, and that's when you pull out the big guns. 

(Yep. I know water beads are hazardous if swallowed. Yep. I'm very careful with them.)

Finally got the portraits of Tadhg and Pippin framed and on the walls. My Renaissance Man husband surprised me with them for Christmas, sneakily drawing them when I was out of the house with the boys.

Before he got his "real" guitar for his birthday, this was his 'tar of choice most days. (Depending on the situation he's also been known to strum on a level, his toothbrush, a fork, and his Daddy's hand, so it's all dependent on what's nearby.)

A grainy throwback photo to when a very pleased Pippin discovered how to stand up in his crib. Tadhg is my morning snuggle-man, and Pip is my morning sunshine. Nearly every morning I know that Pip is awake by his happy jabbers, and he greets me with the best beaming face when I come in to fetch him.

This photo doesn't capture it at all (I'd need to use something other than a measly phone camera to attempt that), but our bedroom gets the best light. With prisms in the window, and growing things, and bright colors, it's an extra pleasant spot. 

Once in a while it's quiet.

Being a silent observer to this interaction tugged my heartstrings. (My heartstrings are starting to stretch out from all the tugging these days.)

Cardboard box tent.

Joy-Joy is a friend from church. They're a cute little pair.

Abby got pictures of Tadhg with their new puppies (10! 10!!!!!), but my phone was in the other room. I snatched this photo of Pippin and Puppy later.

Tadhg likes to hide these days by stuffing his head somewhere where he can't see me, and--by obvious extension--I can't see him (see photo below). 

"Tadhg, where are you??? Are you out feeding the chickens?"

"No," he says.

"Are you using the bathroom?"


"Are you getting firewood?"


It's a rousing game.

Preserving Pip's trademark left-armed lunge for posterity. Lousy footage, but functional.

Tadhg spends a considerable amount of time singing and playing 'tar these days. He knows that songbooks are different than normal books and is very studious about using them appropriately. I found him like this a week or so ago. I include the video below the photo for one small moment near the end. It's not the singing, it's not the imperious rudeness to his little brother. Nope. It's the way he licks his finger to turn the page.


  1. Oh, Mr. Sunshine! He's so cute, and Tadhg is so jolly and earnest and silly, and I wish I'd see them more.

    1. They are delights. You're always welcome! Invite yourself over for supper sometime. ;)

    2. I know. Thank you! I shall have to do that.
      Right now I've just been unsure how much to follow the Grand Stipulations From On High to not go see anyone or do anything. And how much to limit exposure to people due to the fact that I help take care of especially vulnerable people (or I typically do; still on hold for right now) or whether to try to get all the exposure I can get to make sure I've been exposed and get it over with.

    3. Yeah, I get it. People-decisions are really hard right now. Our house isn't going anywhere, though, so no rush while we're in the Twilight Zone. :)
