Saturday, March 30, 2019

G.F.D. - Nine Months

December 8, 2018

We have a 9 month old! The months keep whizzing by, and each one seems to accelerate the changes in Tadhg more than the last.

Tadhg has become quite the jabberer (at home, at least - when we're out around other people he often becomes a giant pair of eyeballs). He talks while he eats, he talks while he plays, he talks while he moves from place to place. He is the proud possessor of 6 hard-won teeth. He crawls properly instead of just army crawling now, and he's also started waving goodbye. His new obsession (not exaggerating) is trying to forcibly maneuver unsuspecting adults into taking him for walks around the house. The world turns dark when their backs inevitably start hurting and that mode of mobility ceases. And...just tonight he climbed the first few stairs at a friend's house. The rise from step to step is too high for independent success at our house yet, but I know it's coming. A tornado is about to land in these parts.

His curious, affectionate little self keeps stretching out in new ways, and boy, is it fun to watch.


 It just needed a good pound.


This little gem is a Purdy classic, passed down in Rundy's family for I don't know how long.

Give him a couple of years, and he'll dwarf Grandma J.

The world is sunshine and rainbows when you're going for a walk.

This is the face you make when you discover Mama's braid...

I promise, the photo lies. He's no prodigy. (Also, for the worried, a Daddy is waiting in the wings ready to catch him.)

I just love his mealtime conversation. Scintillating.

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